June 2016
I catch up with
my fellow MG Wanderers from Queensland – Again !
I slept SO
soundly last night that when I finally woke up, it took me 5 or 10 minutes to
work out where I was, get my eyes open, and start the day ! I had been exhausted last night and the
Portuguese digestivo before bed had pretty much finished me off ! But after a quick breakfast with Dave,
checking on some of the photos on his big TV screen, and topping off my water
tank with some good Canadian water, I set off back to Niagara.
Having seen (and
enjoyed) the US side of the Falls on Friday, I wanted to see the Canadian side
so that I could compare the two. Added
to that was the fact that my MG fellow World Wanderers (previously met in S
America last year !) were also around Niagara, and I was looking forward to a fun
The drive from
Dave’s place in Mississauga is an hour and a half (at my speed) on the freeway,
so I got into Niagara at about 10.30 am.
I drove around the town for a while – and Oh Dear, Oh Dear, it is
HORRIBLE !!! The streets back from the
Falls are all “House of Horrors” and “Dracula’s Castle” and similar sordid and
tawdry “amusements” that stretch for some distance down what appears to be the
main street. Certainly VERY different
from the US side which, being a National Park, is very much more subdued and
focused on the Falls themselves. Hmmmm –
Black mark for Canada in my book – Although I acknowledge that this may well be
what most people want – Just not my cup of Earl Grey !
I then found my
way down to the front, above the Falls, and what a dramatic change – Even
before you get to the road along the edge of the Falls, you get stunning
glimpses through the trees. This was
more like it. The MG guys had said they
might be there by about 12 noon, coming up from Watkins Glen (an ex Formula 1
motor racing circuit just over the border in the US) and I said I would meet
them in “the car park”, assuming it would be like the US side with only 2 or 3
car park options. Unfortunately not – On
the Canadian side you can park not only on the streets of the town (if you can
find a space), but in any one of a number of car parks – Uh oh, this might be
harder than expected.
I drove along the
front, and the road is that close to the edge of the Falls that in one section
not only is the road wet from the spray, but you have to put your wipers on if
the wind is bowing the spray your way !
And you can SEE the Falls – not only are you looking across at the US
Falls, but you are right there beside the Horseshoe Falls. I couldn’t wait to park the car and go and
have a closer look at the view. In the
end I went and parked in the very expensive ($22) car park nearest the Falls
because a) I was still sore from not only my day walking on the US side but
also from my day in and out of Dave’s Elise yesterday, and b) I thought that if
I watched this section of the road, surely the MG’s would come along this bit ?

I wandered right
up to the end southern end of the road, and then made my way back, keeping my
eye open for the Australian MG’s.
Knowing some of them before the trip started in Queensland, and then
meeting up with them in Argentina last year, it was just too big a coincidence
that we were crossing paths again, so I was keen to try to make it happen
! I detoured up to Nicola Tesla’s statue
– as detailed previously, he was responsible not only for the processes that
enabled hydro electric power, but his name is now synonymous with electric cars
since his name was chosen for the currently market leading Tesla cars.
By this time it
was 10 past 12, and I was leaning on the railing with the Falls in front of me,
and I thought “If only the cars would come past now, I could get a great photo
of them with the Falls in the background.
And, believe it or not, almost on cue, I looked up the road and here
came Ian and Lorraine’s blue MGB GT (identical to one that Janet and I owned in
Dubai in 1978), and right behind it, Dave and Laurel’s MGA, affectionately
known as RIP. I couldn’t
believe it –
and between shouting and whistling at them, I did manage to not only get some
photos of them with the Falls in the background, but also let them know where I
was parked.
So we met up in
the car park, (the other cars had already left and headed north up into Ontario
for their next meeting), and headed off along the path so they could get some
photos, and went up into a restaurant
over looking the Horseshoe Falls for some lunch
and a chat to catch up. So good to find them again ! They are heading over to Newfoundland and
Nova Scotia and then shipping from Halifax over to Europe, from where, next
summer, I believe they are heading across Russia to Vladivostock ! (Thinks, Oooooh, that might be a fun
adventure !!)
Anyway, after
lunch they had to head north, so after I gave them my Newfoundland maps and
some hints of the best places to go there, they took off north into Ontario,
and I set of south, towards Buffalo. And it turned out to be the perfect place
to cross back into the USA on a busy Sunday evening (Father’s Day), because
although there were massive queues across the bridge coming back into Canada,
going my way I had one car in front of me at the border, and was through in
about 5 minutes.
The only hold up was that the border security lady couldn’t
find “Queensland” number plates listed anywhere in her books, I told her our
system was a State based one like in the US, and eventually she seemed to
accept that, and told me to have a great trip, and I was off !
I was headed to
Indianapolis so the plan was just to get as far as I could tonight, then hit
the road hard tomorrow. The trouble is
that this whole area around the Great Lakes if so built up that it is hard to
get away from the city streets and find places where camping might be possible
! So I looked on the map and found a
little National Forest area called Allegheny that had some camp sites marked,
and I wandered south on increasingly narrow country roads towards the park. The drive was absolutely delightful, out in
really remote countryside, for a while on the Amish Trail with buggies and
Amish people walking along the road (no vehicles or other modern items like
electricity in their lives), and just driving through the rolling hills and
fields in the afternoon sunshine. Very
I finally reached
the Allegheny National Forest at about 7 pm, and there wasn’t a soul in the
little camping area (which only had about 8 spots beside a river), so I set up
right beside the river, cooked my supper, and went to sleep in the heart of the
forest, miles from anywhere. What a
great day.
Pics are here :- https://picasaweb.google.com/110185357936043625130/6299195705596056001?authkey=Gv1sRgCJ_Z05X1i4CorwE
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