Thursday, 9 June 2016

0533 Pinware River to Crooks Lake Rest Area

8th June 2016
Rabbits, Icebergs, moose, bear, caribou, rain and mud !

Kind of wet when I woke up, sp it was a quick breakfast and pack up, before moving down to the amenities block for a shower etc.  On the way, stopped by the trail for some views of icebergs, and while I was taking pics, bunnies were running all over the place around me, not seeming to be concerned by my presence at all.  Down at the amenities block there was a van with a couple from Montreal in it.  Originally Swiss, they now live over here and desperately would like to do what I am doing, so we spent some time chatting about aspects of
it.   Trouble was it was bloody freezing so after a while we called it quits and I told them to email me !!

Once on the road it was along the coast to Red Bay, where the road turns left and the dirt begins.  Parked beside the road there were a number of big mine trucks, so I pulled up beside them and made some elevenses. Then the road cuts inland, through scenery that is very reminiscent of Scotland, and the mist rolled in as we climbed, before dropping back down to the coast at Lodge Bay and Mary’s Harbour. Saw a big old moose beside the road, who quickly ran off into the trees, and the temp was dropping to as low as 2 deg C at times. 

The couple in the camp site had told me of a local system whereby travellers crossing the Trans Labrador Highway can collect a satellite phone at one end, and return it at the other, just in case they have a problem on the road.  We didn’t get such a system in the Arctic 2 years ago, or when going up the Dalton to Prudhoe, but I think it is an excellent idea on such desolate and deserted roads.  One of the pick up places for the phones was in St Mary’s so I went to the River Lodge Hotel, and on asking about the phones was told it was no problem, and they couldn’t have been nicer.  Within 5
minutes I had filled out the forms, designated a return hotel in Labrador City within 72 hours, and set off with my little box and phone.  Too easy !  And makes one feel much more comfortable because there is no phone connectivity anywhere along the road, although the hotel did tell me that you could get wifi outside the Road Maintenance Depots beside the road 

I explored St Mary’s briefly – Not a lot too it – All fishing, as is usual around this part of the world.  Saw a few icebergs outside the harbour, and then set of along the Trans Labrador Highway.  This is a relatively new road, and has either been blasted out of the rock or laid on top of the swamp – presumably using the rock blasted out elsewhere !  The dirt road is actually very good – In fact, it is better than many of the tarmac roads I have found elsewhere in Newfoundland Labrador.  There are frequent graders on the road, and they keep it in very good condition. 

After stopping for lunch by a large wood chopping place, I passed the road down to St Lewis, which was interesting because apparently it was one of the earliest recorded place names in all of Labrador, back in 1694.  Also interesting that it was named after King Louis  XIV, but somehow the locals didn’t know how to spell his name !!

Passed a sign along the way warning that it was 410 kms to the next fuel – You rarely have to go more than 200 kms between gas stations in Australia, so this shows quite how remote this road is.  There is nothing out there !!  Basically it was lakes and forest all day !  We started to climb, and by the time we were over 1200 ft it was starting to rain – Not hard, but enough for the road to become quite slippery and muddy, with lots of puddles everywhere.  So the afternoon became  bit different, trying to avoid stones thrown up by all the trucks and company pickups heading the other way, (I got caught by one stone – Grrrr), and in some places really struggling to stay on the road because it was so muddy and slippery !

But there was fun too – We had a couple more moose running around, and later I saw my first caribou since we were up in the Arctic 2 years ago. As before, lots of lakes and bog everywhere, interspersed with the black spruce, and then suddenly, I saw a familiar black spot in the distance – That had to be a bear !  Sure enough, it was, but he ran off pretty quickly before I got close enough, but it is SO good to see bear again.  I really enjoy seeing them on the road.

By 5.30 I was muddy, cold, and ready to stop.  I was eyeing up possible places I could pull over when suddenly I saw a sign for an official Rest Area – Perfect.  It was
right opposite a Road Maintenance depot, so lots of vehicles around, and even a few trailers belonging to guys working out there, so obviously a good place to stop.  But it was raining and very cold, so I quickly set up and cooked some supper.  Then I remembered what the woman at the hotel had said about wifi at the Road depots – So I checked it and found I had excellent wifi !  No phone signal all day, but out here in the middle of nowhere, I had perfect wifi !  I
couldn’t believe it – I didn’t even know where I was !!  Anyway, settled down and slept like a log, right through till 8 am !  

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