Tuesday, 12 July 2016

0561 Blind Bay to Vavenby

11th July 2016
Horses, rain, and good company.

I am being spoilt catching up with good friends at the moment – I have known Sarah since college days in England and together with he husband Ed, they have lived here in the Vavenby region for a long time.  Janet and I originally came here in about 1978 – Damien was about 1 ½ and Nick was still to make an appearance !  We have always kept in touch over the years, and I came here in the Lotus in 2012 on my way north, so it was good to be able to make it back to this lovely part of the world yet again, and to have a chance to catch up just a little.

Ed and Sarah have a sizable property up above the N Thompson River, and apart from the usual farm menageries of cattle, chickens, dogs, and growing fruit and vegetables etc, they have 13 horses and offer trail rides of varying lengths in the surrounding hills.  They are always busy, and
love what they do, and although I don’t get too close to the horses, it is always fun to be a (peripheral) part of the action !   I didn’t get there till early afternoon because it was some 3 hours drive from Blind Bay, but that was probably just as well since they had had a group for a trail ride during the morning. 

After catching up for a while, there was some “doctoring” to be done to ne of the horses who was a bit lame, and then we were going to go for a short walk around the hills.  As we went down to the stables, it started to pour with rain, so we sheltered with the horses in the stable while Sarah and their current French student helper worked on bandaging the horses leg.  Fortunately by the time they had finished, the heavy rain had just about stopped, so we set of for our walk with the dogs.

I know I have said it before, but it really is such a beautiful part of the world round here, and walk around the hills, looking down into the valley and the Thompson River, you are constantly reminded of how scenic it is.  After a while we came back to the house, and we sat around chatting while Sarah cooked some supper for us all. 

Pics are here :-  https://picasaweb.google.com/110185357936043625130/6306871606320517297?authkey=Gv1sRgCJzmtbjl7aj0vQE

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